1. Facilitating linkages & coordination of stakeholders & activities for multi-level RTC value chains development.
  2. Promoting increased investment for market development of the RTC value chains to address food security, nutrition & industrial product issues.
  3. Policy level advocacy for promotion of improved business operational environment for RTC value chains.
  4. Providing a consistent advisory, information & knowledge-sharing service to support interventions of relevant players & users of RTCs.
  5. Coordinating efficient linkages in the cassava, sweet potato and potato value chains e.g. linking multipliers of clean planting materials and high yielding varieties to buyers.
  6. Identifying challenges that the private sector face in participating in root and tuber value chains and propose viable solutions.
  7. Attracting private sector partners to invest in root and tuber crops seed multiplication, production, processing and marketing.
  8. Managing the RTC Trust as a permanent unified non-profit dialogue & advocacy forum for the value chains.

Become a Member

Private SectorFarmers and farmers group aggregators, processor end users, consumers
Input SupplierFabricators, Agro dealers, etc
Services ProviderMalawi Goverment and Universities, SMEDI, Research Institution, CGIAR, Financial Institution and NGOs
Bilateral and Developmental PartnersGIZ, FAO, Irish Aid, EU, USAID, BMGF

Join Us

Root and Tuber Crops Development Trust (RTCDT),

Plot # Area 14/143, Off Presidential Way,

P.O. Box 31600, Capital City, Lilongwe, MALAWI